It makes me crazy to think of fruits and vegetables that I haven't tried. And so I was surprised to discover, through a conversation with the Gourmand, that there are actually a number of foods that I have consciously avoided for various silly and complicated reasons. As a vegan, I'm really not willing to limit my diet any further, and so on Sunday I set out to leave my farmers' market comfort zone.
That's why I bought kumquats. I know Cindy, kumquats are not one of those delicacies that we discussed, it's probably not even the peak of their season, but kumquats are one of my last relics of childhood displeasure, and there they were spilling so cheerfuly out of the farm stand. That really is a cute fruit. Even in name. Especially in name. Kumquat?
And so I filled a bag and brought them home. Last night I minced a couple and threw them into a salad with the rest of the baby chard leaves (see below), a big roasted beet, a half of an avocado, and toasted pecans. I dressed this with a basic vinaigrette of white wine vinegar, dijon mustard, olive oil, and salt and pepper. I think I love you little kumquat...I bet you would be delicious in baked goods, and cocktails, any thoughts?