(Chocolate Cupcake with Peanut Buttercream Frosting from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. I branched out and didn't use my nonna's genoise recipe like I usually do, and the results were good. Not to say that I'm a permanent convert, but this recipe made a fine cupcake. That said, I must now admit that I just don't like cake, and I really don't like frosting. Heresy? Maybe, but I'll take a slice of pie or a scoop of ice cream anyday over cake. It's such a festive food. It's really too bad that it's not good. Just too sweet. And yet still, I'm already planning what kind of cake I'll bake for D's first birthday. I'm thinking pumpkin since he was a Halloween baby, with maybe a cream cheese frosting. I suppose kids wouldn't be into a simple ganache glaze?
Another thing...you might notice that this cupcake is sitting atop a shoebox lid. I discovered today that a decent size shoebox is the perfect thing to wedge a pan of 6 cupcakes into, thus protecting your careful frosting job on the way to the park, at least until you turn your back to take a photo and the baby dives into the remaining mounds of frosting. Anyway, before that little mishap the cupcakes traveled well, and at least there was one nice one left for the birthday girl.)