Having made a roasted beet and brussels sprout salad for approximately 58 people over the weekend, we are left with a mess o' beet greens to contend with. Yesterday Paul sauteed as many as would fit in a large skillet along with some olive oil, garlic, chili flakes, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. The pungent greens were a nice counterpoint to some simple soothing mac n' cheese.
Today the remainder of the already sauteed greens joined forces with some sweet browned onion to become a perfect filling for the fatfree vegan lady's omelette recipe. I don't have a non-stick pan. The cast iron serves me well in all areas except omelette making. This recipe was delicious and produced a light fluffy flavorful vegan omelette that I will definitely make again, but it stuck to my pan. (And it's not just because I cooked it too long, Smartie. I cooked it too long because I kept hoping that it would come off of my skillet the way it came off of Susan V's. It never quite did. And you would never be seeing this anyway if it weren't for this accursed VeganMoFo and the fact that I am still, rather surprisingly I might mention- I've never prided myself on my stick-to-it-iveness- writing about food everyday as per my own personal interpretation of the imprecise rules of the Vegan Month of Food.)
And so tonight we feasted on beet green omelettes. They weren't pretty, no, but they were mighty tasty.