Does this sound silly? I didn't even realize that we grew kiwis in California until I stumbled across a giant bin of bulbous hairy brown fruit at the Hollywood Farmers Market a couple weeks back. 3 for a $1 fit perfectly into my budget and I couldn't resist the siren song of the "most nutrient dense fruit" as my current life's work is to pack as much nutrition as possible into an active 24 pound frame. Alas, Desmond wouldn't eat it. Though perhaps I cut into the first two too soon - they were awfully tart. This third one, though, managed to escape my notice and sit out on the counter for a good 10 days. Sometimes patience, or neglect, pays off. This is one delicious little fruit. It tastes like a cross between a green apple and a cherimoya. It's like a magical candy, but packed with nutrition, and tiny crunchy seeds. And now it's all gone. Maybe the boy will get some next week. Fortunately, he is loving the navel oranges that are so sweet right now.