Phew. Despite that beautiful California bounty that I had to work with, the theme of last week's eating was survival. The day that I brought home all those vegetables? We got take-out. Bad take-out from the Burrito Factory across the street.
Last week was tough, for pretty dumb reasons. The kid's crib was recalled; I, of course, flipped out, ignored the advice of every expert on the subject (parents, internet authorities, published authors, strangers in the super market, my mom) and introduced my 20 month-old to his new "big boy bed" (known to you and me as the crib mattress on the floor).
So the rest of the week was a comedic charade of putting the boy to bed, listening to him getting up to play, putting him back to bed, etc. While some sleeping in the bed did occur, all at night, none during the day, it was not nearly enough and it was poorly done. Poor dear was clearly not ready for the bed. Sometimes I would come in to find him asleep on the floor using the bed as an excessively large pillow. Other times he'd be curled up at the foot like a puppy. Just not ready.
So on Saturday we threw in the towel, dusted off the pack n play, and everybody in the house set to the task of getting caught up on sleep. It was glorious.
Apart from those sub-par take-out burritos, what we ate last week was simple, simple sustenance. For the most part that meant quesadillas, but you know sin queso. In our house it goes something like this:
1. Heat up the small cast iron grill over medium heat.
2. Slap on a tortilla.
3. Spread refried beans over half.
4. Fold tortilla in half over beans.
5. Cook till lightly golden and crispy on both sides.
6. Eat with avocado and hot sauce.
Also with all our quesadilla consuming last week, I discovered that I can, without any adult or child balking, add finely shredded raw vegetables to the beans for maximum nutritive value. This helps me feel better about serving this to my family, um, every day for a week.