During a rare afternoon of leisure snatched from the chock-full to do list, I found myself wandering around the big fancy whole foods in El Segundo after a long chatty lunch and stroll with my mom. This style of grocery shopping is not compatible with my wallet, and so it is good that it is a rarity. However, on this occasion it led to a delicious discovery: Sunergia Soy Bleu.
Have you tried it? Given, it's been awhile, but I swear, this stuff tastes and smells like blue cheese. Now you might think that a soy-based product that tastes and smells like blue cheese would not be a good thing, but you would be wrong. It is delicious. After getting it home, I cut myself off a little sample, and if I had any less will power, there would not have been any left for Paul to try, let alone for our scrabble date night pizza. Paul, a professed blue cheese hater, liked it too. He claims that this is evidence that it does not in fact taste "just like blue cheese." I say his palate has matured since the cheese eatin' days of youth. You be the judge.