Me, yelling from the kitchen: "Hot Click, Dad! Click. Like website."
Did you see it? I figure since March is almost over, I ought to mention it real quick. I was very grateful that they edited out all the stupid things I said in our brief interview and wrote a sweet little paragraph about this blog. Thanks.
If you haven't read it yet, it's on page 22. I'll wait.
- Did you notice that Silk no longer exclusively uses organic soy beans? To be honest, I was always pleasantly surprised that such a big company did, but now they've pulled this sly switcheroo that just leaves me kind of icked out. They have a separate new organic line, but I'll stick to Wildwood or Trader Joe's organic from now on, thanks. Or ideally, homemade, but that just doesn't always happen these days.
- Have you visited C'est La Vegan? It's a beautiful new blog written by the popular baker behind the vegan cupcakes at Leda's and photographed by her husband. Also, you'll find a link there to her on-line bakery. I can tell you that her oatmeal cookies are perfect, and I bet the pecan bars and almond loaves are too. Quarrygirl just did a nice write-up about her as well.
- And for your next vegan baked goods smack down, maybe you should get some treats from Vegan Bake Sale to put head to head with C'est La Vegan's wares. And invite me over, please. Vegan Bake Sale was officially launched yesterday by the lovely baker that pens Cute and Delicious - which, by the way, totally lives up to its name. These people make me feel so lucky to live in Los Angeles.
- I think these lipbalms would make great easter basket stuffers.
- Whole Foods has extended their vegan pizza offerings and Desmond and I have since had lunch there almost everyday. Also, at the Pasadena Whole Foods yesterday there was a vegan calzone on offer. My dream has come true.
- Shojin is celebrating their one year anniversary all month (as in for the next 5 days, sorry) with nightly dinner specials and a blow out on Sunday involving a vegan sushi chef.
- Happy Weekend!