With a baby and a toddler in the house, there are no vials of homemade fruit syrup hanging out in my fridge waiting for cocktail hour. There's not even a lime for squeezing. If cocktail hour is going to happen around here at all (and it is), it's going to have to be really, really easy. I have recently discovered that a bottle of cranberry juice cocktail is a great pre-made margarita mix - you have the tart cranberry juice bit standing in for your fresh-squeezed citrus, the sugar and water in lieu of simple syrup and melted ice. Now all you do is add some tequila and triple sec. A wedge of tangerine is lovely too if you happen to have it around - plus it just looks so seasonally festive. Thanksgiving margaritas anyone?
Cranberry Margarita
2 oz. tequila
4 oz. cranberry juice cocktail
splash of triple sec
wedge of tangerine or orange
For individual cocktails, pour over ice and serve with a wedge of orange. You can also stir up a larger batch in a pitcher or cocktail shaker.
Cheers to the vegan month of food (VeganMoFo) and all its participants!
If you're looking for some more cocktail ideas here's the spiced apple - bourbon number that concluded my first MoFo.