Good Housekeeping Simple Vegan!
Venturesome Vegan Cooking: Bold Flavors for Plant-Based Meals by J.M. Hirsch and Michelle Hirsch
Vegan Baking Classics: Delicious, Easy-to-Make Traditional Favorites by Kelly Rudnicki
Sweet Vegan: A Collection of All Vegan, some Gluten-Free, and a Few Raw Desserts by Emily Manquist
Tribe Hummus: A coupon redeemable for 1 8 or 16 ounce tub of hummus. I found tons of different flavors at the Ralph's down the street.
Quorn Vegan Burgers: A coupon for a free package of tasty vegan burgers. Their other products aren't vegan.
Homemade Body Scrub: I think I totally overestimated my box size needs, so I fleshed it out with more presents for you. I love, love, love this body scrub.
Brownies: The box needed more padding, and I thought you might need brownies.
The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell
Two SweetRiot Chocolate Bars: This silky dark chocolate is portioned into tidy little 20 calorie squares so you feel less awful letting a couple dissolve on your tongue while reading The China Study.
And it's going to comment #55. Kelsey wrote:
I haven't read the China Study yet either! Edible highlights...hmmm...I went vegan in January of last year so almost everything I now love has been a highlight from this year! I'd have to say for restaurants- Spiral Diner in Fort Worth, Texas-- it's the closest vegan restaurant to me and they have amazing food and desserts (like cheesecake). As far as at home- some amazing chocolate cupcakes, "cheesy" sauce I use on everything, and I discovered avocado-- I love avocados sooo much but I was always afraid to try them before!
Congratulations, Kelsey! Now email me ([email protected]) your address asap so I can get your box o' loot out of my house!
And Everybody, thank you again for sharing.